My Resume as Information Design

(Click the play button and then the second icon in the bottom right to see full size.)

If it doesn't work, here is a direct link: David's Presentation


Kaylane said...

I would hire you in heart beat!!! Well done!!!!

Anonymous said...

This looks Amazing. I wish you the best of luck and success in your efforts.

Becky said...

I like it. It was fun to watch, and I think that's important. Can I edit one thing? You know how that crap bugs me. On a slide at the end...the one that says "than why are you...something about a resume", it should be then instead of than. You know I'm praying you find something amazing soon!

Unknown said...

Becky, of all the people who saw this, you are the only one who noticed that! Awesome! I made the change just now so no one else gets the chance to see it. :)

That's what I get for designing at 5:30 in the morning.

Becky said...

Why would anyone be up at that hour? Yuck!

Mellissa said...

I like the resume! Good luck in your job hunting. You have great talent and there is a company out there that would be very lucky to have you as an employee.

Anonymous said...

Very cool presentation. Just a quick note, when I click through the link at the end (and yes, I got that far even though I'm not hiring), the links on your resume both to the blog and to LinkedIn are messed up. Just FYI...

Unknown said...

Fixed the links on my resume. Man, you gotta hate it when your resume has been out for a few weeks...and the links are all broken.

:: sigh ::